Sunday, March 27, 2011

Google voice search

Google voice search.
Google has just added voice search to its new web browser Google Chrome 11 (beta). This could be useful to those students who would not be confident of spelling the search terms they want accurately.
To set this up you will need to download Google Chrome 11 and also install the Speechify Voice search application.

Download Google Chrome (BETA)

Download the voice extension

Monday, March 7, 2011

Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators

Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators
By Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

The Dozen Digital Storytelling Skills written by Bernajean Porter in her book “Digitales:
The Art of Telling Digital Stories”
1. Cognitive Apprenticeship — practicing real-world work of digital communication
2. Creativity and Inventive Thinking — creating multi-sensory experiences for others
3. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding
4. Enduring Understanding — by telling the story of what you know and understand for others, authors deepen their own self-meaning of the topic
5. Visual Literacy — using images to show, not tell, the narrative story
6. Technical Literacy — mastering the craftsmanship of applying the technology tools to create powerful communication, not to just use the tools, but to mix and dance the media into illuminated understandings
7. Information (Media) Literacy — thinking, reading, writing, and designing effective media information
8. Effective Communication — reading and writing information beyond words
9. Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles — addressing not only the opportunity for students to use their preferred mode of learning and thinking, but also enabling them to practice the effective use of all modalities
10. Teaming and Collaboration — growing skills through practiced opportunities to co-produce group projects
11.Project Management Mentality — Melvin Levin's challenge for students to practice time management of complex, involved tasks to successfully meet deadlines modeling real-world tasks
12. Exploring Affinity — Melvin Levin's findings that when students create meaningful, engaged work, they discover themselves as successful learners.

Download the free ebook here

Digital Storytelling Resources
• Center for Digital Storytelling
• National Storytelling Network
• ISTE Digital Storytelling Wiki
• Media Gallery of Digital Storytelling Examples from Marco Torres
• Podcasting in the Classroom
• Digitales- The Art of Telling Digital Stories